Hello, i have some ideas i want to share with you and tell me if it possible or not,
First , what about adding supermarket that can deliver the food for you …
Also, we need something bigger than a small company that’s only own a stores…
we need to go deep like create factories and make products , and go bigger like own a Oil Company we need to talk about billions Oil company can provide Gas stations also factories that make what we can make from oil .
Also i have some notes about estate , why i pay 600M dollars for 700$ per day ! the game only takes the rent from the rented store and not the rest of the building , just add it like this if the building have 25 apartments for ex. and one store take the rent from the hole building like { 25 x 100 } + the store 1000 or maybe 700 whatever so it will be 3200 per day not enough but its better.
thats all sorry about english iam not good.