A couple of ideas to improve the overall warehousing experience.
- Warehouses should only deal in full boxes of product. If a business requires 20 Soda delivered, it gets a full box of 120 instead of a mostly empty box of 20. If a warehouse is delivering a box of product, it may as well be a full box rather than keeping a partial box and delivering a second partial box. This will reduce partial boxes in shops and eliminate it from the warehouse. If players want to store their own partial boxes in a warehouse, require a standaed storage shelf for them.
- New employee: Warehouse manager. Maintains warehouse operations. Main in game interaction would be taking orders from the player, preparing those boxes required and moving them to the delivery area ready for player collection. One of my big frustrations in the game is trying to find specific products in a warehouse to hand deliver myself either in the early game before delivery systems are fully in place or when setting up a new business to get it operational.