Suggestion: Player and Business Upskilling

Suggestion: Upskilling system
What if there was a system whereby a business could level but via the amount of sales it does to have some sort of unique features or bonuses.

or alternatively you as the owner start with a few basic business knowledges and management skills and unlock more options over time e.g. unlock jewelry shop or the ability to sell booze, or having more business or have/manage more employees per location.

This could also apply to other parts of the supply chain like factory production or logistics and or driving e.g. factory allows more production faster and more complex goods to be produced and allows unlocking of certain buyable objects, logistics improves the speed of deliveries and could allow you to set up some automatic restocking plan, driving allows you to drive and brake faster, turn better, store more in cars, use less gas etc.

You could also combine this with an relationship system with the company that provides candidates - when you reject thier candidate or negotiate too aggressively they may decrease, but if you accept jobs or pay the amount they ask then your reputation/relationship improves and they provide you with thier better and eventually best candidates so you dont have to waste as much time and money upskiling them later on/ late game

This could also apply to an employer - the longer you work somewhere and the m ore shifts you complete the more the pay will go up to a point.

These elements would make more decision making early game that could make for interesting experiences and better content on youtube etc. EG by being part of different starts or challenge modes where you start with lower or high skills putting more or less restrictions on how a player starts thier game and how they progress