Shop expansion

Could it be possible to bankrupt the store next door and purchase that store also and merge it into one store?

Example, I have opened a gift shop next to another gift shop ran by NPC, if my shop has better customer service, range of products,etc

The NPC store will have less customers due to them coming to my store, After a while they will bankrupt, I could then purchase that store and remove the joining wall to have 1 larger store


Hello, everyone,

As always, I ask you the kindness not to judge me too harshly for my English, unfortunately I am forced to use machine translation systems. So my English ā€¦ may come across as very robotic.

I was thinking about a possible feature, what is missing in this game? Or rather, in this Alpha! Eliminating the things that have already been proposed and are already being structured by the development team I think the addition of ā€œchoiceā€ could be interesting.

What does this mean?
Obviously we can already choose which type of shop to open, in which area to open it and also how much stock it should have.We can choose where to shop, we can choose where to rent a house or where to buy our supplies, we can choose which car to use and whether to use it or walk.

But we canā€™t choose what the facilities look like, how big they are or how to ā€˜continueā€™ their expansion.
It would be nice, again in my opinion, to be able to expand the business to really big shops (I donā€™t know the shops in your town, but I will give an example: Ikea). So it would be nice, again in my opinion, if we could ā€œbuyā€ or ā€œrentā€ neighbouring shops so that we could expand our main shop. Obviously only if they are available and without a tenant.
This is of course subject to restrictions, e.g. the possibility of buying three shops next to each other and making it a single shopping area.

Or, in case, even open additional platforms. For example, knock down X buildings and physically build a garage for vehicles? (Where you earn per how many vehicles enter it) or more simply, in case, gain respect of neighbours by building a playground near your shop (so more people could enter as that shop is ā€œrenownedā€ and known as socially acceptable).
Thus it would also be possible to start thinking not only about the respect that the shop itself can accumulate, but also about the very concept of moral ethics that the shop may or may not have. Not that there should be any malus, but it could still open up a new section on how our shop is ā€œreceivedā€ by society, what its feedback would be.

Again, just an idea thrown out there.
What do you think?

Have I gone too far off topic? :smiley:

It would also be interesting to choose, in case, to go against the labour law ā€¦ A ā€œsurpriseā€ visit by an inspector

ā€œyour employees are working too hard? they are not insured? great, take this fine and stay closed for a weekā€.

I saw this discussion, it only talks about bankrupting your opponent in order to absorb the shop. Obviously this is also a good idea in the business world, so Iā€™m linking it to his discussion trying to expand on mine.


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Hi guys,

It would be nice to have the opportunity to upgrade our stores in a unique way.

I suggest two options.

Since most of the buildings in the game have a multi-story visual, it would be nice to take advantage of this.

Upgrade N1: The box storage area.

  • It would have a door inside and outside that would take us down to the basement of the building (same size as the current building) where we could store our products.
    This would add an additional option outside when we right click on our building. Choose whether we want to go into the basement or the storage area.
    The improved storage areas would have a buggy that can carry 10 items (can be taken out to the streets).

Upgrade N2: The improvement of the sales areas.

  • You can pay for an upgrade to your store that will give you a larger volume in m2.
    ( Ex: I have a 75 m2 ā†’ I upgrade it ā†’ I have a 225 m2 )

The Prices for each upgrade will be based on the district and the type of upgrade they give.
Of course, if possible after a store size upgrade, it would be nice if you could see the building from the outside a little bit bigger, which would be a plus.

Sorry for the translation of my text iā€™m french canadian but I hope you understand what I mean here!


I like the idea of upgrading Businesses or all buildings. I find it odd that vegetables are sold in a different store than a supermarket. They should be added to the supermarket and add meats, dry goods and more things to sell in each store. All current stores should have a bigger variety of things to sell, either by buying upgrades to your store and/or reaching a higher player level. Many of the current stores are really lacking in variety or number of products to sell! This would be a nice addition as you progress through the game and make it something to look forward to as you expand your empire! Unlocking as you progress keeps game fresher and more interesting in mid to later stages.
Expanding the city and unlocking other areas as you progress and grow your Business Empire would be awesome. I find the city map to be small and needs upgrades in several areas.