Radio station improvement (local radio station, business related radio station...)

Hey !

If we consider that sound is an important aspect of UX, it would be really cool to have a major update improving the radio stations.

The fact that players need to place speakers all over the game suggests that music or radio plays a key role.

However, the radio feature feels underdeveloped, making the experience almost unpleasant, even when adding our own music. Inevitably, the songs loop, and during long sessions, it becomes repetitive.

It would be great to have significant improvements in this area. I believe it’s also a relatively simple way to give the city aura and immersion a big boost. Here are some suggestions, and I’ll leave others to add their ideas:

  • Adding a business-focused station or programs connected to the news feed found on MarketInsider, potential shortages, etc. This would give the game and the city more personality.

  • A talk-show-style station, not necessarily music-focused.

  • Adding local radio stations (similar to games like Euro Truck Simulator, which allow players to add their own radios via streaming links provided by the radio).

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