Product Catalog / shopping list

I would like some type of product catalog.
The extra added info in the “F1” menu is great, but I still think there is improvement.
Especially since none of the appliance stores got everything.
When I start a new store I want to plan out everything I need.
Sometimes I need to go to both appliance stores.
It would also be nice if it included prices.

Say that you want to starta a new store, go to the appliance store and notice that you need like 60 k just to buy the needed furniture and you do not have nearly enough money.

It would be nice to make an ingame shopping list.
Say that I could make a list for opening a store, add furnitue from the apliance store, AJ Pederson & son and IKEA. and goods from the wholesale.
That shopping list showed me where to buy stuff (out of what store and furnitures / goods I choose) and the total price.
This would quickly give me an indication of how much money I need to start that new store.

I could make an picture with an example to clarify if needed.

I think that might be a good option for the contacts app after you have visited the appliance stores at least once. Just like for example wholesales work - after your first visit, you can call them.
In this case maybe you could call them, tell them what you need and ask for their prices. That would also fit into the RPG aspect, if they would in response send an offer for the purchase and you could decide whether to accept or reject it (would go well together with the already existing feature suggestion for appliance deliveries).


Agreed - this has been a big confusion for people who don’t realize there are multiple stores of each type, or for when you forget which item is at which appliance store, etc.

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Product catalog has been added in Beta 5! There’s a “Browse shop inventory” button in the business info :partying_face:

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