As new item suggestion, I’d say add Network Rack with perhaps a few switches and servers in it.
For where or what? The graphic and web offices?
Any business.
All businesses have at least LAN cables and/or WIFI, but since Security Cameras were added and you can place them in any business, network racks would also be placed in any business.
What would the purpose of the racks be? What is the feature you’re suggesting?
You mentioned cameras…great example. That provides security to offset theft.
Well, for example CCTV systems require a network/digital video recorder and it may be installed on a network rack. Or any office with at least one or two computers will also require a network rack as they’re connected to network switches and routers.
This could be a good idea. It was something I wondered to myself when I bought security cameras. Where does this camera feed to? Does it need to be connected to anything? How is my security camera video backed up?
I wasn’t bothered by the absence of these things but a networking system could be interesting for a few reasons. This could add variation to your customer satisfaction depending on how good or bad your shop’s internet connection is kind of like how that factors in in Sim Casino. Maybe you could have a chance at having returning thieves you could nab and ban from the shop using the security cameras. Or maybe you could just keep an eye on your stores by using your network of security cams.
Edit: Maybe simplifying this idea down from server racks and switches to making it a requirement to have a computer in your shop with a video backup unit could make this a bit more straightforward and user friendly as well.