Is there a limit on delivery size from warehouse?


Are the cargo size of the trucks taken into account when setting up deliveries?

I’m curious if I’m going to max out the van or if the size of the truck only reflects on how many places it can deliver.

Could not find information regarding this in the help menu or when searching here.

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Yes, the number of delivery destinations is affected by the vehicle size (truck can do more than van) and also the level of your logistics manager.
Be aware that drivers require a certain skill level in order to drive trucks.


So the amount of boxes the van can carry when driving it yourself does not matter, just the amount of destinations?

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That’s correct.


I wished I knew this, right now I have 3 warehouses, 5 purchase manager, 3 logictics and 3 drivers



@Gerwanese I have a question: I hired another stock manager and noticed that it is not possible to link more than one manager per warehouse, if I buy more cars or upgrade the stock manager level can I link more delivery locations? The game doesn’t have this information, I don’t know how to use the stock without a new lease, the physical space of the warehouse is too big for just one stock manager.

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If you upgrade the vehicle and train the Logistics Manager, you will increase the number of destinations. For instance, a freight truck with LM at 100% can service 8 locations.

And if you have a warehouse with two vehicle slots, the LM can manage both vehicles and double the number of locations!

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About using two stock managers for one warehouse, not is possible for now or is a bug?

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No, just one per warehouse, but if you want more locations, then get a bigger vehicle (like the freight truck) and train your Logistics Manager to 100% and you can deliver to 8 locations.

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Ok great! One more doubt, is the limit of delivery locations is a sum of vehicle and manager or only vehicle or only manager?

Both factors combined. The vehicle has a limit and then the LM skill can multiply it. So a freight truck is 4 locations by default, but an 100% LM can boost that to 8.

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