
desole je suis Francais …
rajouter des grèves , revendication … etc…
mais juste pour les Grossiste et les commandes entrepots…

exemple : la commande de vetements n’est pas arrivé car en “chine ils sont en grève pour avoir plus de salaire la grève est prévue pour une durée de 15 jours”
ou: “rupture de tasse a cafés cette semaine”

pour les arrets maladie: avoir la possibilité d’embauché du personnels beaucoup plus chère pour une durèe détèrminer

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Translation (google translate):

Sorry, I’m french …
add strikes, claims, etc.
but just for wholesalers and warehouse orders…

example: the order for clothes has not arrived because in “china they are on strike to get more pay the strike is scheduled for 15 days”
or: “coffee cup break this week”

for sick leave: have the possibility of hiring much more expensive staff for a determined period

My notes:

I think this is similar to a few other posts about adding staff related problems, in relation to warehouse staffing and hired staff.

Examples they give are sick leave and work strikes.

My notes on my notes:

Couldn’t find another post on the forum regarding strikes, so this may be a unique post.

I think that in order to have strikes they’d have to have a union system in place to group members of staff (so that your business just doesn’t straight up die in late game)


Sorry but yeah having imports stop would make you consider being more than a JIT business and would make you think more about how you store goods.

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