GPS for driving

Would love to see something like this as a way to navigate through the city when you decided to mark a location. Pretty bad at Photoshop, but it should at least convey what I would imagine a GPS system would be in this view.


Cool idea - I don’t know how big the technical requirements are - but it would benefit quite a bit.

Then you also avoid turning too late because you used the arrow incorrectly.

I don’t know if it will be quite like that, but hopefully we get something like that!


i hope it would be like an app to open or close

This would actually be really useful. I mean granted you can mark something on a map, but having like arrows point or even have a mini map in the corner with a highlighted line to where you are heading would be really cool !

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I loved the game, it has a lot of potential, but one thing I missed is the convenience of having a ready-to-use GPS for frequent places or having the option to keep certain locations active on the GPS to avoid getting lost along the way. I found it a bit tiring always having to select the destination. Is it possible?

Thank you for your attention.

It would be nice to be able to save some of my most visited destinations in a new button, clicking on them would then set them as my next destination.


This would be very helpful

here’s a suggestion
add in a recent visited location tab of frequent visited spots
(custom map hotkeys) for your apartment,wholesale warehouses,etc

i’m finding myself running back and forth to the wholesaler and given where i’m at any one point don’t always remember the way or quickest way to location.

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