Exporter / Distributor

Hello everyone,

In a few lines … I will reveal my dream.
Everyone wants shops that make millions, formidable firms of lawyers that kick the butts of sparrows, some want the coffee shop, some want the sandwich vendor, some want the gift shop or a renowned fashion shop.

I want to be the boss of everything.
I want to be the importer.

(Let’s talk about it, if you like)

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Hire warehouse associates and set up receiving and shipping deals. Have contracts to deliver shipments to business and try to maintain business partners


I have a revolutionary idea for updating factories
I don’t really expect it to be added in the first update, but I hope it will be there or even added in the future
We now have a factory that manufactures our products that are transported to our stores and offered for sale, right?
Why aren’t the products manufactured by my manufacturers limited to selling in my stores only? I have warehouses and previously I used to import the materials I sell. I also think that competitors do the same thing. Why don’t I be the source of those materials, whether for the warehouses I used to buy from previously and the stores I have transport trucks and I have a logistics employee working at the headquarters. Also, when I excel and advance, my competitors support me and buy from me when I eliminate them in the market (or for example, so that they work to distort the reputation of my products as a type of unfair competition) or for example, offering contracts as I used to do at first or importing materials. I feel as if when I own a factory without this idea, I will be able to reduce the price of the products I sell in my stores to the lowest possible price, and I think this is enough to close many of the competitors’ stores around me (it will be a fatal blow to them). It’s as if I have concluded the game just by opening my own factory.


Muy buena tu idea, y creo que sería más realista poder importar la materia prima del mercado global en tiempo real y así podríamos variar el precio del producto final a partir de los costos de producción. Además, creo que sería bueno que en esos costos de producción se debería incluir la cantidad de empleados de la fábrica y de los establecimientos que venderán los productos y así.

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I haven’t played yet with the factories but I would like leave some suggestions.
Since factories are kind of an your own import system wouldn’t it be kind of cool to make it as a business. You can sell your products to others, and when you progress the game you can even try to fight your rivals by not selling them products or raising the amount of money to charge from them, making them change prices of products or even close shops (Obviously it should be in mid to late stage of the game).

You can use the factory for the primary goal (to supply your own stores with lowered costs to import it) but it’s another way to make money and capitalize the game economy (it shouldn’t be enough to do it, but close to it :wink: ).

Expanding off this, my idea was a lot simpler then yours, but I definitely like yours, I think that you should be able to sell the products via export as well though, for example if your trying not to oversaturate the market and reduce the prices of your products, maybe your factory is producing excess of something and you want to sell off the extra without reducing the price of those same products that you sell in your stores

Become a wholesaler and sell items you make in your factory’s.

Use your delivery vehicles to deliver stock from your factory’s to your wholesaler and other NCP and competitors can buy from your wholesaler.

Sometimes my store stock run out before midnight ( especially on saturday), and i need to run manually into warehouse to restock my store. but, there is more than 50 shelf, its takes forever to look for a specific product. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Another case, i build a new store and import a lot of product into warehouse. turn out my business is not make a lot of money, so i decided to change my business type, and import a new product, but my warehouse full with my previous business products. i need to move and discard it one by one :expressionless:

i suggest a new feature in this game, a warehouse worker that work sorting and help me managing product inventory, moving product beetween warehouses and maybe return my unsold or unwanted product back to importer (with value reduction of course). in this current game we can instant sold our BOX of product, but imagine my permanetly closed flower shop has more than 100 box of item (around 5-6 pallet shelf) and i choose to change it into jewelry shop (because change in demand). when i need to discard/sold that product, that box randomly scattered into all shelf