EA 0.2 Update!

Hello everyone! It’s time!! Early Access 0.2 is now up on Steam!

EA 0.2 contains the following new features, and much more (full changelog below):

New Special Building: Gym, "Keep Calm and Squat On", now exists at 28 4th Ave
New Business: Graphic Designer
New Business: Fruit and Vegetable Store
New Wholesale store: "Total Produce Trading" is at 6 6th Ave and can your Fruit and Vegetable Store
New: Health Insurance. Your HR manager can manage insurance from the hospital
New: Employee Demands
New Uncle Fred Objectives: better explaining of some early game features
New: You can call Uncle Fred and turn off the objectives
New: You can now delete text messages from your phone
New: You can now order (for free) items from your own store's cash registers!
New: You can now drive the car with the mouse
New: You can now add your own music to the radio! Go to options and click on the music folder to drop your music into the folder. It will be added to the radio playlist!

Changed: Made dirt highly visible while cleaning
Changed: Donuts now go in a Bakery Showcase like the other Coffee Shop food items.
Changed: "Continue" loads the most recent save, including autosaves (previously it ignored autosaves)
Changed: Increased delivery pallet size

Balancing: SeaSide International's minimum import price is lower
Balancing: Some furniture's price / customer capacity has been balanced
Balancing: Overall, clothing/expensive gifts earn less, and food/coffee earn more.

Art: New AI Store & Special Building Layouts
Art: New Character animations and clothing options

Fixed: a lot of issues causing soft-locks
Fixed: parking garage issues that allowed you to fall through the ground
Fixed: parking garage issue where AI vehicles would spawn inside your vehicles