Devlog #30


So, I can now assign a cleaner to multiple stores. Is this by design? Can you give a bit more information regarding this?

It would be cool if we can assign a cleaner to clean more than 1 shop, but are there limits?

Hello! Yes, it is by design. You can assign cleaners to multiple businesses. The limit is the cleaners exhaustion, so although you can technically assign them to infinite business, they’ll end up being too exhausted to work.

So, at the moment I can assign them to two businesses in the same timeslot (e.g. 00:00 - 02:00 on a Monday at both shops). Is that also by design? Will both stores be cleaned? Don’t really mind them having the same timeslot, as long as both stores are cleaned.

Managing exhaustion only makes it a lot easier.

Exactly! As cleaners can only work between 0 and 4 AM, we decided that they could work on different businesses at the same time slot. Both stores will be correctly cleaned, yes.

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