Cybersecurity Company

I’m in Cybersecurity.

It would be awesome if in the future you could start your own Cybersecurity firm, and then have the other businesses as clients, or like global companies that use your services.

Hey even if I could literally create an Amazon Web Services business and provide those services. Haha

Start Up company vibes kind of, but this time I could see my workers come into work, and interact with things in the office (Computer, Coffee, Chairs/seats, TV, Ping pong tables, etc…)

But basically more computer careers… etc. oh off topic, but be able to make a Walmart, or Haha

Jeff Bezos who? Haha


Yea!! Like have a main office in NYC and then other offices in Paris/ London when/ if they add those cities later


To expand on the earlier discussion of a cyber security firm I think a cyber security firm as a office job option is cool. I think a cool mechanic they can have is along side working as a traditional office job, you can use your team of ethical hackers and make them unethical (for a few minutes) to mess with your competitors business at the cost of profit during the few days it would take for them complete the job. Else you can also hire your firm to monitor your businesses as well for a few days as a way to deter hacking attempts from competitors that you have forewarning of due to having the cybersecurity firm again not generating as much profit on those days as they are doing a contractual job with the rest of your companies. Potential hacking jobs can vary from, messing with shipments to make sure a store Isn’t restocked for a few days. hack their systems to drop their prices as to make them unprofitable for a few days or to malfunction some equipment of sorts hinder the business(malfunction a point of sale and it would be shattering to a business).