Customize the map

Can we customize the map and use it

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Hello - unfortunately, that’s not currently possible!

Are you planning to add this at the moment?

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Customize the map in what way?

customize the city

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Yes, but in what way? Like choose different cities to live in? Or build your own completely custom city, building by building, street by street? Or just upgrade buildings along the existing street?

Build your own fully customized city, and if you guys can make it happen, thank you so much

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@DavidEstesCreations Are there plans to add the new district, e.g. with DLC?

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That would be amazing - although I really think that’s out of the scope of the project. :frowning:

In theory, anything is possible, but I would really doubt that, unfortunately.

Nothing has been decided or announced. I know the “dreams” section of the roadmap mentions London or Paris as potential future locations!

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@DavidEstesCreations I like your game and it opens up a lot of possibilities, I also think that the New York setting is well done, but still a bit small, I think that New Quarters could be added as an option (DLC).

I know that you are a small team of 3 people and everyone will understand that this team also needs to be paid.

For my part, I’d shell out a few bucks for neighborhood DLC.

New neighborhoods with new opportunities.

London, Paris would be my destination/market extensions

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You may not be able to finish it now, but I will always look forward to it, thanks for reading my suggestion and responding

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