Comic / Cards / Game store

There’s a wide variety of products you could sell in a comic or game store!
With comics or card games, they also have regular releases to the product line. While these stores might not have a huge customer count, there should be a very regular audience.

Comic books
Cheap to make, cheap to sell, regular releases keep customers coming back

Board games
More expensive to create and sell, a pretty standard product

Card games
Cheap to make, can be priced a bit more aggressively. These could have regular releases or events hosted in store, adding hosting groups or game nights in addition to just selling products


It should also be possible to have a space to customers to play card games at these shops too. similar to how some people will eat at a fast food place. This could allow for customers to meet up to play and even spend more money at the shops as well.


I suggest adding a new business card store to the game. You can sell collectible card sets, action figures, and comics in it. You can set up a card exchange area in the store. you can also set up a fan meeting area for celebrity murals on comics (you can find a celebrity in a new marketing agency)

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