Im having an issue were I cant stop my character from moving forwards, I have tried turning off auto run and changing movement controls but I can’t stay still at all. Im playing on Mac. The game also pushes me a certain direction when placing items.
Hello! Are you sure auto-run is off? If you click the middle-mouse button, it toggles the auto-run until you click it again.
If it’s not that, do you have a controller, joystick or some other device that is overriding your inputs?
Yep, auto-run is off ive tried changing the keybind for it just in case the middle mouse button wasnt woking, I don’t have anything else which would override anything.
still not working, sorry for the confusing reply
Watch Screen Recording 2025-01-26 at 4.46.35 pm | Streamable, video showing that theres no external input
That looks like you have a joystick or controller lugged in that is pushing the camera - especially when seeing VoogleMaps move like that too. Do you have anything plugged in like that?
Nope, have nothing connected at all, Dosen’t register anything like that on any other game, I’ve tried reinstalling the game too
Interesting. Something is sending input to it, that’s for sure! Especially since you can see it on VoogleMaps in the video you showed earlier. VoogleMaps doesn’t move from point and click, so it’s receiving direct input from some source!
Could you try hitting F2 and submitting a bug report, please? Make sure to mention this thread so I know it’s yours!
Alright, will do