Nightclub and office business types need some buff.
While electronic stores, barber shop and clothing stores make the most money, the other stores shine in one way or another. Gifts and flower shops work well with small stores while supermarkets and fast food shops works well with low traffic. But for all the different store types and locations I have tried, nightclub is simply the worst business type. It can’t even make decent money when there is no competitor in this district.
Same thing happens to office based businesses. Law firms are okay. But the other two are just toys. Need some buffs for them
Hello - nightclubs currently have a little bug that’s stopping some customers from coming in the door as frequently as they should. That should be addressed in EA 0.6, which should fix those back up!
For your offices, though, it sounds like something isn’t set up properly, or maybe you’re only setting up a small one with very few employees. I’m looking at a large player Web Development Firm right now that is earning $48k per day and a Law Firm that’s making between $98k - $102k per day!