Book Shop

What about a book shop? Could have Fiction, Non-Fiction, Sports, Biography etc.


Yes, either a book shop/library to either decorate your home with books or to learn new skills.

Side note (off-topic): I’d find it cool if it was also possible to run book shops; either in a range from small independent ones working it up to a company like Barnes & Nobles type.
Or business models of antiquarian bookshop, going from small second-hand-bookshop-types up to high-ticket rare books, like the one’s you find at auctions (Sotheby’s) etc., linked to the art market.

Upperclass art- and bookcollections are always underrepresented (and underrated) in my opinion :slight_smile: (while cars/vehicles + electronics are overrepresented - not neccessarily in this game though, but in general, so that this game could stand out a bit with these kind of topics)


Books that can be sold at General Retailer and/or Specialty Store (Potential Products: Romance Books, Mystery Books, Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books, Nonfiction Books, etc; Potential Furniture: Bookshelf)

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I’m fairly sure bookshelves are already available from Ika Bohag shop. Just adding a speciality book shop would be needed.

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Perhaps simple Fiction, non-fiction, magazines, other would be a simple yet good option. Perhaps you could also have more expensive hard cover versions of the books and similarly more expensive magazines such as name brand model stuff or what not with the cheaper being sports, national geographic, etc(I know very little about magazines). Not sure what the other would be, but I think 4 options would be a good start to a book store… at least a simple start similar to the gift shop. Maybe other could be more expensive books such as college textbooks, that sell for a lot but are sold far less often?

We could buy:
General books and specialized books
Food recipes
Spending time reading a certain type of book could give us a bonus on the respective reading. How activities currently work: physical exercises, television, walking in the park, etc.
That said, some of these basic needs of the character could be added to the game, or at least some of them:

Thirst: If we read cookbooks / recipes we could have the thirst and hunger rate reduced for a certain period
Hygiene: would affect mood and health if neglected
Physiological Necessities: would affect mood and health if neglected
Mood: When reading magazines, comics, newspapers and general or specific books, we could have the mood rate maintained for a longer time or a % bonus (the mood would be affected if the basic needs are not in balance / Zero mood would take the character to have depression and would have less vigor for a day or so.
Physical/Stamina: Would affect walking speed as well as driving ability forcing the character to take a taxi, subway or just walk slower

Knowledge salesman. +1 for this.

  • Interest: Cultural hub promoting literacy; a relaxing escape for players.
  • Equipment: Shelves, couches, chairs, tables, cashier counter.
  • Goods: Diverse range of books, magazines, and stationery and maybe a little cafe inside if big enough.