Black Market Businesses / Dirty Money

It would be great to see some sort of black market / black market business implemented. It could make for some interesting playthroughs and role play.


BLACK MARKET DLC - a general layer that doesn’t need to be played but if they do it right early on they are rewarded with fast money at the expense of unforeseen consequences.

This is kicked off by contacting Uncle Fred’s brother/cousin who just got out of lockup and/or has shady connections. From here multi connections to “the other side” of business and questionable friends are available. Uncle Fred’s connections get you noticed by other “opportune individuals” - some trustworthy, some not, and some that are just undercover cops.

  • Shell companies that could be raided by police - For tax evasion, money laundering, or generally racketeering (weapons, art, and drug import and exportation). They mimic other businesses I own but I’m only able to employ a certain type of employee.
  • Black Market businesses include a stash spot and location in the building.
  • Hitman contracts, dirty cop payoffs, family payoffs for shady employees to take the fall.
  • Contract Threat - Gotta lay low in your second house [w/Safe room/Hideaway build options - for money and self] to avoid criminal and police threats. Don’t walk the streets when Contract threat is high.
  • Private Military training and business for protection. Bodyguard hire or Entourage feature.
  • Perma-death businesses and areas - DEA/ATF/FBI raids, court-ordered fines, and restrictions - If you’re caught again get life in prison aka permadeath - that kinda thing.

please developer i want add some feature is this dirty money and legal money in game because casino is not fun if you get the money then use it is not fun enough just get them in category dirty money is can’t be used for bussines then give feature money laundry


To use dirty money, we have to have dirty activities that bring in the dirty money, which doesn’t exist. I like the idea, but I think this will probably end up being something further along the line, if it happens at all. I’m sure the current mechanics could support it but I think it will kill a lot of the game if it goes from “Start with a 15k loan and make legit money from legit businesses” to “Get a 15k loan and sell a kilo of drugs to triple your money every day”.

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Adding illegal jobs in the game its would be a features very good and thank you

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I agree with this suggestion to some degree, I don’t want the game to be fully like cartel/criminal enterprise simulators, but some dirty deals on the back would be cool tho.

maybe like facilitating a “shady person” that Uncle Fred knows to make your business as a front for their “not so clean” money, you get easy money but also have a risk of getting caught by the FBI for money laundering. No need to add illegal items but kinda have the same feeling without compromising rating for the game.

Well they could make it so theres a darkside, if you want to take that route you can go full cartel or criminal, but if you dont want to be a criminal then you can stay with your legal businesses, or you can do a mix of the two