Addiction level is high

I just noticed that the addiction factor of this game is really high, especially in the early game where it has slowed down a little and makes it a challenge to work your way out of the starting phase.

I’m sure the developers are doing everything they can to improve middle and late game to that level of playability, but I hope they take their time doing so and get it right rather than rushing anything when it has such a solid base now.

Having bought a computer a few years ago for the sole purpose of playing Cities Skylines, I noticed this week that my playing hours for BIG AMBITIONS have overtaken that classic game and moved into 3rd place overall. That’s not bad considering that only Transport Fever 2 and Rising Star 2 are ahead now, but both have had over a year head start on Big Ambitions which I started less than a year ago, I think.
The big guns like Football Manager and Civilization are much further behind.

it means this game has something that only the very best games have… LIKEABILITY… and almost 1000 hours proves that point.

Just wondered if others have compared their playing time with so called bigger games so that the developers can see the success of BIG AMBITIONS through the people who play it.


That is amazing to hear! And yes - the mid/late game should start to take shape this year with updates starting with EA 0.5’s Rivals!