Hello there! I've had some interesting ideas of how to make Big Ambitions even more varied. And these are all about politics. Though I know that might be quite complicated to implement, I hope someone will read this post and even consider implementing it.
- To start, I'd like to share the first idea with you. As in real life, the success of your companies isn't only depending on the customers' behavior but also on the policy of politicians on different layers. For example, there could be a law of the US-President that determines a higher import tax which makes your import costs increase.
For that reason, politics should affect the player as follows:
- Laws from the government and the president can influence your success in categories like taxes, import/export rules and limits and regulations against market monopoly. Plus, the government may be giving subsidies.
- Regulations and rules by the local fictionally NYC-Mayor and administration can change the way you lead your businesses, setting price regulations, avoiding you from renting some buildings or prohibiting to carry out a specific bigger project.
- As in reality, players should be able to influence the elections that should take place in a recurring period of time (like 100 days) by voting for the candidate you prefer and by making lobbying to change the regulations so it fits your interest.
- To make it more interesting, my idea is that you can go above voting IF YOU WANT TO; and I mean you can be a candidate for presidential elections or for elections in NYC. As we all know, well, there are some very rich people in the world who participate in politics, some better than others. But when you become elected, you will have to do all the jobs the President does. Although this would be terribly hard to implement, I believe it could change the gameplay positively and improve the game so much. Maybe first focusing on the governmental stuff that affects you and your rivals might turn it easier to implement.
Well, these ideas came to my mind since they'd make the game deeper and more varied. Even if it doesn't really fit here, I'd like to add one idea: I would love the ability of building buildings that perfectly fit your companies' needs.
What do you think about it?
Thank you for reading through my ideas. Feel free to add, criticize or support content from this post!